Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Blazes

   I grew up going to church. It was a habit, a ritual that we went through every Sunday morning. It was not until I went to college that I realized that I was missing something. I was missing a close, personal relationship with God. That's the point where I totally surrendered my life to God and became a follower of Jesus. On the Appalachian Trail I carried a tiny New Testament that had been given to me by the Gideons. It was King James, which is not my favorite translation, but it was still very powerful. Every day I would read at least one chapter and think about it as I hiked along the trail. I learned a lot by reading the Bible regularly and thinking about what it meant. I had no idea that one day I would become a minister.
   Following Jesus is like following the Appalachian Trail. The trail has white paint marks called "blazes" on trees that show the way to go. If the direction is getting ready to turn, there are two blazes on one tree as a warning. If you follow the blazes, you won't ever get lost.
   If I were not a follower of Jesus then I would still be wandering through life completely lost. But because of Jesus, I have been able to stay on track. I just have to follow Him the same way I followed all those blazes on the trail. Today is Easter Sunday, the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. If it hadn't been for Jesus, my life would be completely different. He has helped me with so many struggles in life, and given me guidance to make wise decisions. Becoming a follower of Jesus is the best thing I have ever done. You can be a follower of Jesus too!
   Today was another zero day, I weighed in at 184.0 But my focus is a little bit different today. I'm thankful for everything God has given me, and for His Son Jesus who rose from the grave on that first Easter Sunday.

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