Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Grave & Unusual Circumstances!

   Back in 1980 I hiked through a lot of different places. Many Civil War battles took place in Virginia. One day I came to a small, quiet clearing and noticed two small gravestones next to the trail. Curious, I went up and looked at them. They were the graves of two soldiers who died during the Civil War. I pulled out my camera and carefully took a picture of one of the tombstones. Then I took a picture of the other tombstone. I stood for a moment of silence out of respect for those who had fallen in battle.
   I took a lot of pictures on the Appalachian Trail (I think about 500). Back then we didn't have digital technology. My photos were done with a 35mm SLR camera on film. I actually used "slide" film. When the photos were developed, I was able to use a projector and look at the pictures. A few I sent off and had prints made from the slides.
   Out of about 500 photos, I only had one time that something strange happened. I gasped when I looked at the pictures of the two graves in Virginia. Instead of two photos, somehow the images were overlaid on top of each other. It gave a very eerie feeling! If there was a problem with my camera, why did this only happen once? And why did it happen with these two particular photographs? This was certainly "grave and unusual circumstances"! I'll never know exactly why, but I also won't forget it either. It was probably the most bizarre thing that happened to me on the entire hike!
   Here in 2011 I continue my project of losing weight. This morning I weighed in at 179.0 pounds. That means I have almost completely recovered from my recent setback. Yesterday I ate a large salad for supper and today I have another one for lunch. I have found that the salads really help fill me up and have very few calories (but lots of good nutrition!) I use a very light salad dressing (only 70 calories). As far as exercise goes, I did some walking at lunchtime today. My leg is almost back to normal. I hope to be able to run in the "Midnight Run for Missions" on Friday night. It's another 5K race.

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