Monday, August 1, 2011

Silence. Try it!

   One of the unusual events while hiking the Appalachian Trail in 1980 was an overnight visit at a monastery. Yes, that's right, a monastery! I read a note in a trail register inviting hikers to come and spend a night. It was a free bunk for the night and a couple of free meals. I enjoyed a hot shower and clean sheets. There was no tv or any other electronics. It was very quiet. I was able to simply sit and think and pray.
   Silence is not something that we have enough of now. We tend to fill our lives with all kinds of noises. The tv is blaring, the phone is ringing, people are talking, music is playing in the other room. All of these distractions makes it hard to really focus on anything for any length of time. Staying in the monastery reminded me of the need for silence and reflection. I had already hiked a large portion of the trail. I only had about one month left to reach the end of my journey. I had a lot to think about.
   I thought about life. I thought about what I would do in the future. I thought about God and my life as a Christian. I thought about many different things. And, in the silence, God spoke to me too. Not in an audible voice, but He spoke peace into my heart. I had guidance and direction. I had purpose and a plan. I had hope for the future.
   Silence. Try it!

   2011 update:  This morning I weighed in at 173.8 pounds (*sigh!*). I ate a lot over the weekend and put on weight. I hope that a lot of it is water weight and that it will come off fast. It's another setback, but I press on. This morning I jogged and added more distance. Now I am jogging every road and culdesac in my neighborhood. That ought to burn some calories! Time for another salad!

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