Saturday, July 16, 2011

What's for Supper?

   By this time in 1980 I was finishing up the section of trail in New York. I had a mail pickup in Warwick New York which was scheduled for July 11th, but I'm not sure what day I picked up supplies since I was still behind schedule. My foot was doing pretty good and my speed was starting to pick up. The temperatures were still high, but getting up into higher elevations helped ease the heat.
   I have talked before about breakfast and lunch, but not supper. So, what did I eat for supper on the Appalachian Trail? I had two "standard" meals. For one supper I would cook an entire box of macaroni and cheese (yes, the entire box!) Then I would mix other things in. I carried small cans of tuna and boned chicken and would usually mix one can in with the macaroni and cheese. One or two nights out of the week I didn't have a can of meat and mixed in dried soup mix, dehydrated potato flakes, and anything else I could find! The second "standard" meal was exactly the same except I used minute rice instead of macaroni and cheese.
   If you could see the big pot of food I ate every night, you would be shocked. But you have to remember that I was burning up a large amount of calories every day. I didn't lose any weight hiking the trail because I was already thin as a rail! I did put on two or three pounds (mostly muscle). I had some snacks and sometimes candy to top off my supper every night. It was great to eat and relax as the woods grew dark and the night sounds began. Drifting off to sleep to the sound of crickets and owl calls is a wonderful thing!

   2011 update:  Yesterday I weighed in at 173.0, today I weighed in at 174.2. Yesterday and today I helped to install a large playground at the Haven House. I have a lot of sore muscles. A lot of time when that happens my body retains a lot of fluid (which comes off later), so I am not worried about a temporary weight gain. Today is cooler than normal. I have been trimming hedges at my house. Just finished two burittos for lunch, time to get back to work (great exercise!)

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