At some point while walking over all the rocks in Pennsylvania I started to wonder if there was a better way. Having seen another guy "slackpacking", I wondered if there was some way to hike without carrying my heavy pack. That's when I came up with the idea of "Mega-Mile Day". I decided that I would leave my pack in a safe location, then hike about 35 miles, then hitch-hike back to get my pack, then hitch-hike back to where I left off. I came up with 35 miles because that was the distance to the New Jersey border. I know it was a crazy idea, but I was 18 back in 1980, and it made sense to me at the time (even though it was not such a good idea).
I was in a small town (it may have been Palmerton, PA where I received my food box in the mail). The guys at the local fire station were friendly to hikers. They agreed to let me leave my pack at the fire station and come back later to pick it up. I put together a small stuff sack with my canteen, some food for the day, and a few emergency items. Very early in the morning I set out to conquer "Mega-Mile Day".
The hiking without a heavy pack went much faster, but I still had to hike over all those sharp rocks. I made pretty good time, but I had to keep moving. I wasn't running, but I was walking fast. As the shadows began to lengthen, and the sun began to set I found myself at a road crossing. It was a few more miles to the New Jersey border (at another town). I could press on, but found myself in a "pickle". I had forgotten to bring my flashlight. I knew that I could get lost in the dark without a flashlight. So, I decided it was time to hitch-hike back to my pack. That wasn't as easy as it sounds.
Several hours later I found myself in the cab of an 18 wheeler, riding down the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The driver took the exit where I wanted to get off. It was very late, and we stopped for supper. Here was another problem, I had forgotten to bring my money (which was in my pack). I seem to remember that the trucker bought me something small for supper. Then he checked into a motel for the night. He offered to let me stay (there were two beds in the room). I was still many miles away from my pack and it was too late to find a ride, so I stayed.
In the room he took a hot shower. Then I took a hot shower. When I came out, he was sitting in his bed, smoking some weed. He offered it to me, but I turned him down. Then he asked me something else (seriously, you might be offended by this next sentence, so don't blame me if you read it). He asked me if I wanted to have "intimate relations" with him, he said he sometimes would "get it on with a dude". I was stunned, and turned him down. All night long I slept with one eye open, but I was relatively safe. I realized that "Mega-Mile Day" was a BIG mistake. In the morning I would try to get back to my pack & continue on my journey without any "shortcuts".
Here in 2011 I weighed in at 173.0 pounds this morning. I am so happy to be making such good progress with my weight loss! I went walking again this morning (the same route I jog when I am well). My leg did good, but I'm still being careful. Last night I ordered a new pair of running shoes online. I hope that will help! I ate a big salad for lunch and am getting ready to go to "Seekers" group where we are having dinner. I'll try not to splurge too much! I was able to cut my blood pressure medicine in half. If I keep on losing weight, I may be able to quit taking it all together!
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