I was in the far northern part of Virginia about this time in 1980. After leaving the Shenandoah National Park, I remember hiking through some other areas. Some had large fields with tall grass. I picked up a couple of ticks and had to check myself frequently to make sure I didn't have any more. The last thing I wanted was Rocky Mountain Spotted fever or Lyme's disease (both spread by ticks)!
One day I was hiking along through a field, enjoying the sun and a light breeze. I could hear a bird singing in a nearby tree. I gazed across the horizon and saw giraffes grazing in the distance. I began to think about lunch when....WHAT?!! GIRAFFES? For a moment I thought that I was losing my mind. I imagined that they would find me somewhere curled up into the fetal position muttering about giraffes and elephants and who knows what else. They would shake their heads and say, "this is what happens when they stay out on the Appalachian Trail too long." I imagined it would be a long time before my sanity was restored.
I looked again, and sure enough, there WERE giraffes grazing in the distance. I was on the edge of insanity, but survived. I was relieved that my mind was intact (and I wasn't going to be hauled away by men in white coats)! Then came the big question: WHY were there giraffes grazing in the distance? After all, this is Virginia, not Africa! It turns out that the zoo in Washington D.C. had an wildlife reserve where they kept extra animals. Fortunately there was a very tall fence that kept the giraffes (and I understand elephants) from straying. The Applachian Trail went right by this wildlife reserve area. I knew I would see lots of things while hiking the trail, but I never imagined this!
2011 update: No, I haven't seen any giraffes in McDonough, Georgia today. But I did weigh in at 177.4 pounds this morning. That's a little more than yesterday, but still in the good range. Jogging this morning went better, I didn't have to stop and walk at all. Cracker Barrel for lunch today with my cousin from Nashville. I think I will get the salad and skip the biscuits!
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